Why your business should be on Facebook!
According to recent figures from Ipsos , there are over three million Norwegians on Facebook, and almost as many use it every day. This corresponds to more than 80% of Norway’s population using Facebook daily. Facebook has become something more than just a social medium, it has become the new leisure arena of our time. One of the first things we do when we wake up in the morning is to check Facebook on our mobile, we check Facebook several times a day, and that is one of the last things we check before we go to bed.
Do not underestimate the use of Facebook!
Today, companies simply need to clearly see the value of being actively present on Facebook. This is because more and more people are using Facebook to get to know companies and brands better. For you, this is a unique opportunity to market your products and services to both existing and new customers . In the same way, Facebook is a perfect channel for maintaining dialogue with your customers.
Why should you be on Facebook?
There are several good reasons why your business should be active on Facebook and include it in your media strategy. We have listed the five most important:
1) It’s there!
Social media, and especially Facebook has come to stay. 86% of Norwegian users use it daily. Whether you like it or not, you will not escape all the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook.
2) Expected by Your Customers
More and more customers today use Facebook in their dealings with the brands. They have created a profile on Facebook with a desire to tell the outside world who they are – or want to be. The contact between the brands and the customers has also become much more personal. They expect to get an answer to something they are wondering about within 1 hour after they have inquired.
Your customers’ buying habits are also in a strong end and they are happy to do research on digital platforms such as Facebook before they make a purchase. More than half of your customers’ decision makers are probably on Facebook. Can you afford not to be there?
3) Your competitors are there
Many companies have taken the time to create a Facebook page and engage with their customers on a daily basis.
4) Advertising
With advertising on Facebook, it is easy to reach the target group your company is looking for. Today, Facebook has the richest selection of all the advertising channels when it comes to being able to target information. Many people fill their profile pages with detailed information about themselves, while sharing and liking interests with their friends.
For that reason, Facebook has a lot of information about your target group. Among other things, you can target your ads to, among other things, geographical area, age, gender, education and interests. It is only the imagination that sets the limits for which instruments you choose to use. You can also either set up your own ads or get professional help.
5) Better Search Engine Ranking
Creating a Facebook page for your business will increase the visibility of the various search engines. You will therefore be more visible to your target group in more channels than just on social media.
If you and your company want to be more visible on Facebook or need help with Facebook advertising, contact us today. We can help you choose the right type of advertising, in relation to the goals you want to achieve.