Facebook Changes – How It Affects Your Marketing!
On June 29, Facebook announced that they were changing the algorithm behind their news feed. The company is known for constantly testing out new functions and solutions that will give users a better experience. Not long ago, they changed what should be most relevant in the stream on Instagram, and they now hope that this change will be better received.
The new change will help you as a user get more relevant and interesting information in your news feed. This mainly means that close friends and family are moved up in the news feed, while posts from media houses, companies and other sites are moved down. With this change, Mark Zuckerberg wants to return to Facebook’s original idea, to stay in touch and update himself on what is happening in the lives of those closest to him.
Over time, Facebook’s updated algorithm will adapt to what users press and what they like, and adapt the news flow accordingly. It will therefore take some time before the latest update adapts to each individual user. During the selection for news updates, you should in any case be able to select “Top events” and “Latest”.
Content is king
Facebook is without a doubt a very important marketing tool to make you and your business more visible among your target audience. Therefore, the new update will mean that some companies will have a lower reach on their posts than what they received before the update. But as with all updates, this will of course be of varying degrees. Facebook has therefore encouraged companies to focus on publishing content that readers want to share.
In order for you to get your readers to share your posts with their friends, it is important that you publish exciting content. It will be easier for people to like and share the content further if you create content that engages the reader. What engages depends largely on what your target audience likes. A good tip here is to create content that shows who your company is and what you do. If you also try to create content that shows the company “behind the scenes”, you will achieve a greater reach with your posts. If you are in any doubt about what suits your company best, Facebook refers to ” Publishin best practices “ so that you can get a better idea of what is recommended to publish.
Summa summarum, very few people will probably notice a big difference, but this depends on whether you are able to create content that your readers want to share with their loved ones.
Source: Facebook