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Start website

Be found online and present yourself the way you want!

Websites make the world your market! If you have updated and good websites, you can present what you want to those you want. We help you reach your goals! We focus on WordPress as a platform for the websites we develop. WordPress is a fantastic publishing tool that provides flexible and robust solutions in addition to being easy to manage for you as a user.

The websites are user-friendly and are structured so that they reach high on search engines and thus become easier to find for your customers. Responsive and mobile-friendly pages are a matter of course with us and this in turn increases the experience for your customers and that it gives an even higher ranking with Google and other search engines.

Choose from many responsive designs

All websites we build are responsive and mobile ready so that they work on mobile, tablet and desktop. You can choose from many different designs so that you find the one that suits you best.

Easy publishing and administration

With websites from you get access to tools that make it easy and fun to publish on your new website.

Best in class support.

Our support device gives you the support you need when you need it. It is important when you focus on what you are best at. Check out our references.

Dominate in the search engines

Our search engine optimization (SEO) gives you higher rankings, which means more free traffic from Google and search engines. Basic SEO is included, from a technical perspective and we assist you on the content.

Why and how to create websites?

It is important to have good websites so that you reach out with your message. Several independent surveys show that over 80% of decision makers start searching online when they need to find products and services. With good websites, you will be visible and accessible to anyone who is interested in your products and services.

With us, it is easy to start the process with new websites. Contact us for a closer dialogue or read more about our solutions and choose the one you want. We offer tailoring where we develop everything for the customer from start to finish.

We sell most websites based on one of thousands of design templates we customize. Others want to use our more ready-made solutions where you do most things yourself. Together we will find the solution that suits you!


Custom build your products. There is a sea of possibilities, attributes, multiple choice inventory management.

Different layouts and designs.

We set up some different templates and designs related to industries etc. Here you can take a look at some demo pages we have set up that we can use as a starting point for your new websites. If you do not find something that fits, we have thousands of other designs to choose from.

Find out more

Accounting, auditing and office

Check out the template we have created for accounting, auditing and administrative services. Simple and clear that gives your customers a good point of contact.


Cars and vehicles

Specially adapted for cars and related industries. Lots and lots of pictures as well as the possibility of video, for sale list, events and more.


Dentists and other services

We have adapted a template especially for dentist, doctor, physio and others in that type of industry.


Design and brands

Do you have a brand that needs an extra boost? Take a look at the template here that we can use as a starting point.

Do not postpone until tomorrow what you can start today! Get in touch to start the dialogue for your website.

It costs nothing to dream – nor to have a dialogue or coffee with us to assess your wishes for websites. Let us hear from you!


Non-binding dialogue about your wishes and needs. We will find out your wishes and a solution that suits you.

Avtale og rammer

Once we have agreed on an agreement that defines the solution and the delivery, we start the project in collaboration with you.

Design og utvikling

We design and develop solutions on a development server where you can continuously see how the project is going according to plan.

Test og livesetting

When we agree that the solution is ready, we test it again and post the solution so your customers can use it!


Get a websites assistant

After you have registered your solution, you will have access to our department of trained specialists who are ready to help you up in rocket speed.

Choose one design in our many designs, do you want this changed? no problem we can quickly help you with this.

Quickly and easily add products, photos and description. Categories etc. Great flexibility and unlimited with possibilities to easily keep things nice and tidy.

Find out more


From ready-made templates to completely tailor-made, we have what it takes for WOW your visitors.

30+ fantastic designs.

Your design your way.

Showcase your products.

Good communication

Design professionals at your service.

Unlimited product selection.

Simple product and inventory management.


Choose the best deal for the best experience.

    • kr 99 måned
      • Lettere admin panel
      • Sosiale medier integrert
      • 10 GB lagringsplass
      • 1 GB månedlig båndbredde
      • Domene administrasjon
      • 2 e-post kontoer

Best choice
    • kr 299 måned
      • Alle START funksjoner pluss
      • Oppgradert editor
      • 30 GB Lagringsplass
      • 10 GB Månedlig båndbredde
      • Domene administrasjon
      • 10 e-post kontoer

    • kr 599 måned
      • Alle START & Proff funksjoner pluss
      • 100 GB Lagringsplass
      • 100 GB Månedlig båndbredde
      • Domene administrasjon
      • 100 e-post kontoer

  • Tilpasset
    • / Kontakt Oss _
      • Alle funksjoner pluss
      • Tilpasset webdesign
      • Dedikert server
      • Ubegrenset lagringsplass
      • Ubegrenset månedlig båndbredde
      • Ubegrenset  e-post kontoer

    • Read More

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