Tripletex integration – easier to run an online store!
When you run your own online store, a lot of focus is required, and usually you focus on other things than accounting . Nevertheless, a well-crafted accounting is actually the best management tool you have in your business. It is therefore extra important to have control and an overview of the economy. In the period from the time you invoice until the money is in the account, it is about having control over the customers, control over the invoices and not least having good routines. By optimizing financial management with an accounting system, you will be much better able to utilize the company’s full capacity. An accounting system that is very easy to understand, while always having full control over the accounts is Tripletex.
Tripletex Accounting System
Tripletex is a complete online financial system suitable for everyone – both small and large companies. The accounting system consists of many different modules that are seamlessly integrated with each other. Tripletex is designed so that you who do not have experience with an accounting system can quickly navigate and get an overview. You will therefore always have full control over the company’s accounts and have a simpler everyday life.
Integrating Tripletex for Your Online Store
Webexpressen.no’s integration of Tripletex performs automatic transfer of invoices to the Tripletex financial system from your online store (Magento 1, Magento 2 or WooCommerce). Once the integration is installed and set up, you will be able to have all invoices from Magento automatically transferred to Tripletex for easy and fast document entry. The customer and the invoice (or order if desired) are exported in their entirety to Tripletex. The document can be set to be entered automatically. It has never been easier to follow the financial development of your company with the help of Tripletex.
Get started with Tripletex integration today.