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Magento Enterprise

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Magento Enterprise mye, mye raskere enn magento community edition

Webexpressen gir deg alt du trenger, sikker hosting, e-post adresser, domenenavn, integrasjoner til økonomisystem og crm + mye mye mer.

Aksepter kredittkort og betalingsløsninger.

Velg mellom mange kredittkort løsninger, som Nets, Dibs, klarna, PayPal, Authorize.net og Google Checkout. Hvis du starter fra scratch vil webexpressen hjelpe deg igang raskt og effektivt.

No transaction costs.

Vi tar kun en flat mnd leie for nettbutikken, du slipper å betale ekstra her og der. Lav kost sørger for lønnsomhet for deg, fornøyde kunder for oss. Vinn-Vinn

Best i klassen support.

Our support team ensures that our customers get quick help when they need it. This is important when operating a store. Do not take our word for it, see the feedback from any of our satisfied customers.

Dominer i søkemotorene

Vår søkemotor optimalisering (SEO) gir deg høyere søk rangeringer, noe som betyr mer gratis trafikk til Google dominans er inkludert, fra optimaliserte adresser, meta tags og robots.txt-filer til automatisk generert sitemaps.

Customer Segmentation, Targeted Promotions & Merchandising

Create personalized shopping experiences that boost conversion rates by dynamically displaying content and promotions to specific customers based on properties such as customer address, order history, shopping cart contents, wish list items, and more. You can also target unknown site visitors based on products viewed or items in cart.

Customer Attribute Management

Further personalize sales and marketing efforts by easily adding new customer attributes such as gender, date of birth, alternate phone numbers, etc. to customer profiles. These attributes can be used to create new or more sophisticated customer segments for customized marketing campaigns and content.


Custom bygg dine produkter. Det finnes ett hav av muligheter, attributter, flervalg lagerstyring.

Visual Merchandizer

Boost conversion rates and dramatically cut the time it takes to optimize product category pages with a suite of tools to easily and visually manage product merchandising. Manually position products using a simple drag-and-drop interface or use automated sorting rules to organize category pages to feature best sellers, highest-margin products, newest products, and more.

Also, save time by using Visual Merchandiser to automatically assign products to categories based on pre-set rules, to clone categories, or to create dynamic categories, such as “new products” or “on sale items” based on product attributes.

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Solr Search

Magento Enterprise Edition integrates with Solr3, a standalone, enterprise-scale search server to provide improved search performance and relevancy. Solr can identify and offer suggestions for customer misspellings, support synonyms and stop words, and use attribute weighting in search results. It can also generate search results for layered navigation.

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Powerful Performance and Scalability

Increase productivity with a scalable Magento Admin that can support large teams making simultaneous and immediate product updates.

Deferred Stock Updates

Make sure you don’t miss any orders during high transaction periods by using the optional deferred stock update configuration. Deferred stock updates for individual products or an entire website take advantage of the new job queue mechanism to allow inventory levels to update asynchronously as orders are placed to improve throughput.

Support for Alternate Media Storage – CDN and Database

Media files can be stored in a database on a database server or on a content delivery network (CDN), as opposed to storing them on the file system of the web server. This leads to quicker page load times and less activity on the server.

Multiple Slave Databases

Magento Enterprise Edition allows each master database to have multiple slave databases to scale read operations. Horizontally scale your Checkout and Order Management databases to ensure high availability through Magento Enterprise Edition’s support for MySQL Cluster, a third-party solution. MySQL Cluster manages data sharding over multiple database instances so multiple master databases can be used to increase your capacity.

Multiple Master Servers

Scale the database tier of your Magento application by using separate master databases to support Checkout, Order Management, and Product Data. This division allows different functional areas to be isolated from each other and scaled independently to meet varying system load requirements

Automated Email Marketing Reminder

Increase sales by automating email reminders to customers with abandoned shopping carts and wish lists. Email reminder campaigns can be triggered based on a wide variety of conditions, such as time since a cart or wish list was  abandoned, the total cart value, or specific items in the cart. You can also include coupon codes in the email reminders to encourage shoppers to return to your site

Content Management System

Magento Enterprise Edition includes CMS enhancements to help you create content that distinguishes your store from your competition, increases your visibility to search engines, and supports your customers. The CMS includes a WYSIWYG editor and page hierarchy system to organize content pages and add pagination, navigation, and menus. Create multiple versions of a page, track the revision history of each, and restore previous versions, if needed. You can also set permissions to control who can create and publish content.

Category View and Purchase Permissions per Customer Group

Manage the products and categories that can be viewed and purchased by each customer group. B2B businesses use this feature to offer custom sets of products to different accounts.

Rewards Points

Build shopper loyalty through special reward programs. Points can be awarded for purchases, registering for a customer account, newsletter signups, product review submissions, and more. Redemption rules are configurable so you can set caps on the number of reward points that can be accrued and determine when reward points expire.

Store Credits

Issue store credits that can be tied to customer accounts. You can also refund orders for store credit or virtual gift cards to be used toward future purchases.

Multiple Wish Lists

Customers can save products to multiple wish lists and copy or move items between lists. They can make their wish lists public so they’re searchable by anyone, and you can review these lists to learn about their wants and interests

Gift Registry

Gifting Options

Order Archiving

Configurable Order Tracking Widget

Private Sales

Return Management Authorization (RMA)

Scheduled Import/Export Functionality

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